
Sorry I haven’t been on for a while! Getting ready for Saltaire but more of that to come in the next post…..
This post is all about commissions!
A lot of the lino that I cut is for specific commission work. This might be for a wedding or for a birth or occasionally I get asked to take a step away from the norm and do something completely different.
May I have been working on a lovely piece of Lincoln for a husband Will to give to his wife Sally for her birthday. I don’t know Lincoln that well and have only been once so it’s refreshing to have to work from new images. When I started collecting photos and drawings I was getting excited about the amount of brick work that Lincoln has! That might sound a bit crazy, but yes I love architecture and in particular older buildings that have that mix of timber, pillars, brickwork unusual doorways windows etc. The whole image came together really well and when I sent it to the client we only decided to change one thing by adding in the Lincoln water tower to add in height.

I love working on a commission, it’s usually a fairly quick cutting process and something I usually only print once. The majority of the time is taken up on the drawing and designing part. You add in all the detail, then take it out to transfer onto the lino and then cut it all back in.
If you would like a commission piece, for a wedding, birth announce or other occasion than just contact me directly via social media or my website. If it’s for a wedding and a gift, then I have started stocking on Etsy a voucher available in 2 sizes that you can give to the happy couple who then contact me and I work to their specifications.